Google+ 草堂雜記 For Life, Work & Pleasure: 他們終於被找到了!

2012年4月18日 星期三


今天CBS晚間新聞報導三個月前觸礁擱淺的意大利郵輪Coasta Concordia 側傾的船身已經翻動了,找到了並且確認了五個失蹤的乘客。我們馬上全神貫注。果然,螢幕上出現了海爾夫婦的檔案相片。找到了。他們終於可以回家了。


上樓打開電腦,我搜尋了他們的名字。John告訴我,有任何新的進展,他們都會在部落格上公告。果然,他們有個聲明稿。我仔細讀完後,深為動容,特別翻譯如下 (原文附在譯文之後):
今天我們接到確定的訊息。我們的雙親,傑瑞及巴甫海爾,是Coasta Concordia 號下尋獲之五個失踨乘客中之兩人。現在我們可以把他們迎回家來安息。吉格里歐島上的搜救隊伍鍥而不捨地努力,在整個過程中一直給我們希望。他們摶命奮力來尋找我們的雙親,我們獻上無盡的感激。還有兩個家庭尚未找到他們心愛的家人,我們對他們寄予最大的同情,也會繼續為這兩家祈禱,直到他們心愛的家人也找到為止。請大家都為他們祈願祝禱。
"Today we received confirmation that our parents, Gerald and Barbara Heil, have been positively identified as two of the five missing passengers recovered from the Costa Concordia several weeks ago. We will now be able to move forward and bring them home to rest. The rescue and recovery crew on the island of Giglio have been relentless in their mission to find the missing and have given us hope through this whole process. We cannot thank them enough for continuing to risk their lives in an effort to find our parents. Our hearts go out to the two families that are still missing loved ones. We will continue to hope and pray for closure for those families. We will not stop praying and following the news until they have found their loved ones as well. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
今天我們要感 謝的人太多了。我們要謝謝所有幫我們找尋我們雙親、温馨接待我們的意大利人。感謝所有的朋友、同仁、鄰居、家人以及時時刻刻給我們支持與愛護的人。感謝那許多素昧生平,卻不斷來信鼓勵我們,為我們祈禱的人士。
"We have so many people to thank. We want to thank everyone in Italy who helped us find our parents and treated us with hospitality. Thanks to our friends, colleagues, neighbors, family and loved ones who were always there for us. Thanks to all those who we have never met who sent us words of encouragement and prayer.
"We would like to thank the media for respecting our privacy. This blog entry will be our last post and form of communication with the media. We are very grateful for the wonderful articles and stories you did on our parents. They were very special people and you shared this in a respectful manner. We know our parents are together and are happy. We look forward to the day when we can all be together again."



1 則留言:

  1. 天哪!看完後不禁熱淚盈眶!As you said in the phone today, we can only trust that God must have His great plan for this wonderful couple!
